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5 Movies To See In June

June is upon us and the summer blockbuster season in underway, and that means there are a ton of great movies hitting theaters. From long awaited sequels to a certain superhero seeking his cinematic redemption, this month is going to be yet another where you may wish you could spend the entire time in the theater. But that isn't realistic, you likely have a job, and other life commitments besides movies, so you're faced with the ever so daunting task of deciding which films are worth your time and money this month.

This Is The End

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I won’t lie and say I’m a big fan of modern comedy, and most of the films that the stars of This Is The End have been in recently have disappointed me, but this epic ensemble looks like it could be one of the most memorable comedies in a very long time.

I’d start listing the cast, but I don’t think there’s room on this page to house all the notable names in the film, so I’ll just highlight a few. All of the characters are playing themselves here yet they are playing slightly heightened versions. For example, Michael Cera is playing a drugged out womanizing version of himself who gets destroyed by a slap from Rihanna and then is the first one to die. Sounds awesome, right?

The film is set in James Franco’s house which means a ton of references to his bromance with Seth Rogen and plenty Freaks And Geeks memorabilia. For all the knocks on Franco, you can’t say he’s ever boring. But I’m most excited to see Emma Watson as she kicks some ass and proves that Hermione can be ruthless as well.

The whole cast is exciting since they’re all actors that are known and loved. It’s a bunch of friends getting together to make a movie, and reports from set are that every take was rampant with improvisation. When funny people make it up as they go along, the result is probably going to be pretty dang humorous.

You also have to respect the whole idea of making an apocalypse film and not rushing to release it before the supposed end of the world back in December of 2012.