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5 Movies To See In June

June is upon us and the summer blockbuster season in underway, and that means there are a ton of great movies hitting theaters. From long awaited sequels to a certain superhero seeking his cinematic redemption, this month is going to be yet another where you may wish you could spend the entire time in the theater. But that isn't realistic, you likely have a job, and other life commitments besides movies, so you're faced with the ever so daunting task of deciding which films are worth your time and money this month.

Much Ado About Nothing

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Much Ado About Nothing4

Or maybe just a little more Ado (sorry, I couldn’t help myself). But seriously, Joss Whedon’s Much Ado About Nothing is something you should be seriously excited about. I’m fascinated by films set in modern time with original dialogue, and Whedon has assembled (okay, I’ll stop with the puns) the sort of cast who can handle that daunting task.

It’s the small projects that really let fans connect with Whedon. All Whedon fans love Dr. Horrible, and while this film isn’t going to be too reminiscent of that, the entire thing is filmed in Whedon’s house, so at the very least you can have a glimpse into where he lives. He’s getting his friends together and shooting a movie, and more and more in Hollywood we’re seeing that method work for talented filmmakers. The cast is filled with Whedon staples such as Nathan Fillion and Sean Maher (Serenity, Firefly), Amy Acker and Alexis Denisof (Angel), and Clark Gregg (The Avengers).

The cast and director aside, this is an absolutely phenomenal story that hasn’t been made into a quality film since the early ’90s when Kenneth Branagh took it on. This is the play that spawned much of the modern romanticizing of masquerade balls, and that scene should be especially fun to watch.

This film may not be receiving as much attention as some of the other heavy hitters releasing this month, but it’s a film that you should not miss.