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5 Movies To See In August

August is upon us and the summer blockbuster season is nearing its end, which means there are a ton of great movies hitting theaters. From the sci-fi event of the year to two long awaited biopics, this month is going to be yet another where you may wish you could spend all day in the theater.


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Steve Jobs was one of the most influential men of our time all the way up until his death, and it’s likely that his influence will be strongly felt for many, many decades to come. So it comes as no surprise that very soon after his passing, a biopic was lined up. That’s what we’ll be getting August 16th with Jobs.

The Apple founder lived a very compelling life. The story of his unorthodox style, fighting the established system of technological blandness and attempting to create something stylish and functional is quite well known. The most recent trailer captures that fight, showing little things such as throwing someone out for not caring about a font. That’s the way Jobs was, at least in the way he portrayed himself to the public, and the result was an innovator who truly shaped the way our world works.

Ashton Kutcher in the role is one choice that many were not happy with when it was announced. Traditionally known as more of a comedic actor and pretty boy, some felt he would not be able to capture either the look or mannerisms of Jobs. Well he definitely has the look down, as you can see above, and I think Kutcher is criminally underrated as an actor. The guy has a lot more substance to him than That ’70s Show, and I look forward to watching him show it in Jobs.