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5 Movies To See In April

Now that March is past us and April has begun, moviegoers are faced with the tough decision of planning out which film's box office numbers they're going to help inflate this month. There are a ton of great films coming our way over the next 30 days, and figuring out which ones are worth your money may seem like a daunting task.


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Jackie Robinson is as rich a subject for a biopic as Hollywood could hope for. Not only was he a pretty darn good baseball player (and we know audiences love a good baseball movie), but he also happens to be one of the most significant faces of the civil rights movement.

While I’m excited to see Chadwick Boseman as Robinson in 42, what I’m most excited for is Harrison Ford as Branch Rickey. Rickey is one of the most colorful and iconic characters in the history of the game, and it’ll be very interesting to see Ford’s portrayal of him.

Period pieces are always worth checking out, and considering the best we’ve seen so far this year is probably Gangster Squad, it’ll be good to see how director Brian Helgeland handles the 1940s.

42 hits theaters April 12.