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5 Movie Sequels That We’re Dreading This Year

As we begin a new year, it's important to start on a positive note, adopting an optimistic outlook on the movies that will be released over the coming twelve months. In an industry now dominated by sequels and franchises, it's exciting to note that many of these upcoming films actually have the potential to be awesome. The trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron alone has excited fanboys more than the leaked nude pics of Jennifer Lawrence, and we also have new installments of the Hunger Games, Jurassic Park and Star Wars franchises to salivate over.

1) Terminator: Genisys (July 1st)

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The first two Terminator movies are some of the best action movies of all-time and cemented James Cameron’s reputation as one of the world’s greatest directors. The third and fourth installments… hmm how do I put this without offending people? The third and fourth installments were… shockingly poor at times? Ruined the iconic impact of the original two movies? Insulted life-long fans who grew up loving the franchise? Wow. That was easier than I thought!

Feelings are understandably mixed then towards the fifth installment in the Terminator series, which aims to reset the franchise, acting as a bizarre sequel/prequel/schmequel. The somewhat complicated story follows the Resistance once again, where John Connor sends Kyle Reese back through time to protect his mother and ensure his own existence. Standard so far, but this time, the original past has been changed. Sarah Connor has instead already survived an attack from childhood and has since been raised by the Terminator who saved her life.

What these alterations mean for the franchise as a whole won’t be made clear until Terminator Genisys is released. This approach could hopefully lead to a new continuity which wipes out the weaker Terminator installments in a similar vein to X-Men: Days of Future Past. However, despite this and the excitement surrounding Arnold Schwarzenegger’s return to the role that made his name, the trailer released so far has divided fans dramatically. The majority are either counting the seconds until Genisys is released, or they’ve already gouged their own eyes out so they don’t have to sit through yet another terrible Terminator sequel.

I personally feel that a lot could go wrong with this movie in terms of plotting and if it doesn’t work, what happens next? In ten years time, we could be looking at another franchise reboot intent on wiping out the continuity of this movie. I’d actually be happy with that though, as long as this potential future reboot learns how to spell properly. The title Genisys upsets me more than any words could express.

Tell us, are you looking forward to any of these sequels? Can you name any more that you’re dreading in 2015? And seriously, why did they spell Genisys like that? You’re killing me Paramount!

Ahem… Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.