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5 Movie Sequels That We’re Dreading This Year

As we begin a new year, it's important to start on a positive note, adopting an optimistic outlook on the movies that will be released over the coming twelve months. In an industry now dominated by sequels and franchises, it's exciting to note that many of these upcoming films actually have the potential to be awesome. The trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron alone has excited fanboys more than the leaked nude pics of Jennifer Lawrence, and we also have new installments of the Hunger Games, Jurassic Park and Star Wars franchises to salivate over.

5) Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (April 17th)

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When forming a list of the greatest comedies ever made, few would fight tooth and nail to ensure Paul Blart: Mall Cop makes the cut. However, despite being panned by critics at the time of its release, Kevin James’ family comedy somehow made its budget back in its opening weekend alone, grossing over $183 million worldwide.

I doubt many people who originally watched Paul Blart: Mall Cop felt that the plot was screaming out to be extended into a franchise, but with the annual decline of ticket sales, it was only a matter of time before Sony Pictures flogged this dead horse. Worryingly, plot details for the sequel have been put on the back-burner in favor of the thrilling news that Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 is the first movie to be awarded a certificate of eligibility for filming tax credits.

Book your tickets now people. You won’t be able to even walk five blocks near your local cinema without pushing through crowds desperate to find out what crazy antics Paul Blart gets up to next in Las Vegas. That’s right. Las Vegas. It’s not like The Hangover trilogy already milked that location to death.

What are you waiting for?! Stop reading and start pitching that tent. April’s only a few short months away…