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5 Insane Horror Films That Will Make You Laugh

There's nothing quite like comedy-horror movies. These are the kind of films that deliriously mash together two genres that belong on separate ends of the film spectrum. Yet strangely, when they're done right, these amalgamation movies can actually be a hell of a lot of fun.

2) Black Sheep

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On the list of barnyard animals harboring masked malicious potential, sheep are probably way, way down toward the bottom. Animal Farm gave us every right to regard pigs with suspicion, and the mad cow disease epidemic made certain people feel particularly uneasy around cattle, but who in their right mind has ever been scared of the sight of a fluffy sheep bounding around in a nearby field?

Black Sheep does its best to put sheep top of the leaderboard for World’s Scariest Barnyard Animal. Coming straight out of New Zealand, director Jonathan King actually does something quite smart by transforming the country’s most recognizable creature into something with the potential to cause mass murder. Sheep outnumber human beings three to one in New Zealand, and if anything like Black Sheep were to happen in real life, it’s pretty safe to say that the entire country would be doomed.

The plot consists of an experimental scientist named Angus who is examining the effects of a formula that turns sheep into carnivores. Naturally, everything that could go wrong does go wrong and the virus spreads, causing the sheep to go berserk and mutate into growling, slobbering demon beasts that feast on human flesh.

Packed with some gloriously campy kills that involve an alarming amount of stretched limbs and saliva, Black Sheep might just be ridiculous and gory enough to be win you over if you like a slice of absurd comedy with your horror movies.