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4 Comic Book Movies That Had Huge Plot Holes

Everyone knows that comic book movies are the pinnacle of logical storytelling, but even these tales of masked crime fighters, diabolical villains and talking raccoons occasionally fall victim to that most dreaded of pitfalls... the plot hole. These can range from illogical events to impossible occurrences that contradict events from earlier in the overall storyline.

3) The Dark Knight Rises – The Police Are Lemmings

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The Batman franchise has never been one to religiously follow the laws of logic in its storytelling. Bat-Nipples, Bat-Ice skates, Bat-Shark Repellent… but Christopher Nolan and his brother Jonathan took huge steps in redressing this balance with their take, grounding Gotham in a grittier reality that bears more resemblance to our own world. Unfortunately, though, not even the acclaimed script writing duo are exempt from overlooking the occasional plot hole.

While Batman Begins and The Dark Knight proved to be popular with both comic book fans and regular audiences alike, The Dark Knight Rises was less well received, yet still proved to be a huge box office draw. For every incredible action sequence or intriguing plot development, there were also a number of illogical or even bizarre plot holes that detracted from the main story arc.

Although the ending sticks out like a sore thumb – how did no one else recognize the famous billionaire philanthropist hiding out in Florence? – perhaps the most surprising plot hole occurs when Commissioner Gordon sends the police force into the sewers to investigate a threat. All of the police. Literally, every single cop.

It’s been a while since I trained on the police force, but I figure that America’s most dangerous city should probably hold back at least a few officers on the off-chance that THIS WAS A GIANT TRAP DESIGNED TO CRIPPLE GOTHAM! It’s like calling on every single janitor in the city to mop up the vomit in one aisle.

Zero logic, folks.