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5 Directors Who Must Have Really Messed Up Minds

I like messed up movies. I do my best to let the world know that and hope that an audience who likes similar material finds my writing. There is just something exceptional about taking a dark ride, willingly. Going to the places most choose to avoid (whether in the medium of art or just in the subject of the taboo in general). As much as we get to enjoy some forays into the absurd and twisted and bizarre, can you imagine what it must be like to direct such a film?

Gaspar Noé

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I will be the first one to admit (and I think I may have said this before), I didn’t like Gaspar Noé’s films at first. Not because they weren’t brilliant, but because they were too much for me. Crazy to think this is coming from the guy who has grown to love dark, nihilistic films, but it’s true.

When I first saw Irreversible, I recognized how much it messed me up, but did not recognize how brave it was. From the non-linearity of the narrative of the story, to the fact that the ending (beginning) does not play out the way you think it does, Noé shows us all just how utterly and unforgivably ugly this world can be. I Stand Alone stands as a gripping testimony to this fact as well. But with Enter the Void, believe it or not, he finally shows us hope. He just shows it to us in a way we would not receive right away.

But, all that aside, what do you think his mind is like? People who are as passionate and experienced in the field as him probably think about their profession for a good chunk of every day. Can you even imagine what this guy thinks about? Imagine the scenes that get cut? Imagine what his dreams must be like?

No, on second thought, don’t. Being in his brain would probably break most of us. Thank goodness he can make art from it all.