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The 20 Best Moments From The Films Of 2015

Welcome once again to that time of year when mince pies return to our shelves, overweight men gain extra seasonal work in department stores and critics attempt to round off the year with a million lists. While the most popular of these countdowns are undoubtedly the ones that rank the best films of the year, these articles don't always reflect the movies that are most popular with audiences.

1) Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Chewbacca Goes Solo

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Ever since the first trailer for The Force Awakens appeared online, fans worldwide have frantically tried to figure out details of the plot, theorizing endlessly about the fate of each character. Now that the film has finally been released, many of those same people are desperate to avoid even the slightest hint of a spoiler until they see the movie for themselves.

If you’re one of those unfortunate people who still hasn’t seen J.J. Abrams’ incredible take on the Star Wars mythology, this is your last chance to leave before seriously big spoilers head your way.

Ok, ready?


Early on, we discover that the new big bad, Kylo Ren, is the offspring of Han Solo and General Leia. Throughout the film, the two ex-lovers mourn the loss of their son to the dark side, yet hold out hope that he may still one day return home to them. Near the end, Han and Chewbacca split up to plant explosive devices throughout the First Order’s weaponized base.

Sure enough, Solo soon encounters his son and the two share a heartfelt exchange where Kylo appears to consider joining his father on the side of good. The two hold onto Kylo’s lightsaber together, seemingly reunited once and for all…

Until Kylo suddenly impales Han and throws him off the side of the platform into the chasm below. Chewie, Rey and Finn all watch on in horror, screaming out the pain of an entire generation robbed of their favourite hero.

Some may feel that this moment was telegraphed for some time before it actually happened, but nonetheless, the death of Han Solo is by far the best, yet emotionally gut-wrenching scene contained in any film this year.

– David Opie