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The 20 Best Moments From The Films Of 2015

Welcome once again to that time of year when mince pies return to our shelves, overweight men gain extra seasonal work in department stores and critics attempt to round off the year with a million lists. While the most popular of these countdowns are undoubtedly the ones that rank the best films of the year, these articles don't always reflect the movies that are most popular with audiences.

3) Big Hero 6 – “Balalalala”

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Inside/Out may have stolen some of its thunder, but Big Hero 6 did something truly remarkable this year. In a marketplace overcrowded with superhero ventures, the makers of Big Hero 6 combined the thrilling fight scenes of Marvel’s live action counterparts with the emotional heft of the finest that animation has to offer.

As Hiro grew closer to his android Baymax, we too began to care for him, so the sacrifice that his caregiver makes at the end is truly heart wrenching, even though he’s ‘just’ a robot. Those unwilling to recognise animation as a legitimate form of cinema should be forced to watch moments like this.

This is not just for kids, people. Trust us.

– David Opie

2) Mad Max: Fury Road – If You Want Something Done Properly…

mad max fury road sniper

Choosing one standout scene from Mad Max: Fury Road is the ultimate Sophie’s Choice of film criticism, but amidst all of the insane action sequences and that flamethrower guitar, the highlight of the movie has to be when Max and Furiosa work together to use the sniper rifle.

After Max realizes that Furiosa is a better shot than him, the warrior hands his rifle over to her and even offers his shoulder as a base for Theron’s character to fire from. Could you imagine Arnold Schwarzenegger handing over his gun to Linda Hamilton? Or Bruce Willis relying on his wife for help in Die Hard?

Mad Max: Fury Road is an astonishing achievement on every level; emotionally, thematically, aesthetically… and scenes like this are hugely progressive. However, the fact that such a moment is so surprising to see shows that Hollywood still has a long way to go in terms of gender equality.

– David Opie