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The 20 Best Moments From The Films Of 2015

Welcome once again to that time of year when mince pies return to our shelves, overweight men gain extra seasonal work in department stores and critics attempt to round off the year with a million lists. While the most popular of these countdowns are undoubtedly the ones that rank the best films of the year, these articles don't always reflect the movies that are most popular with audiences.

6) Jurassic World – Work Those Heels!

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The heels were necessary guys. Come on. It was either that or go barefoot in a jungle populated by dinosaurs. Hell, I know what I’d rather wear…

Anyway, despite the film’s many flaws, it’s hard to deny that Jurassic World was one of the most entertaining blockbusters released this year, one filled with many iconic moments, including that first sweeping shot of the park and the controversial death of the babysitter. However, my favourite scene by far had to be that pivotal moment towards the end when Claire takes control and lures the T-Rex into a final battle with the Indominus Rex, effectively saving the day.

Claire running away from the T-Rex against the lighting of the flare is blockbuster filmmaking at its most thrilling. Those who denounce her character for wearing heels during the chase need to consider how powerful this image truly is. Claire is undeniably feminine in this moment, remaining sure footed despite her ridiculous footwear, but most importantly, she still holds all the power.

Let’s just hope Claire takes the time to buy some sneakers before the sequel eventually rolls round.

– David Opie