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The 20 Best Moments From Deadpool’s Brilliant Marketing Campaign

Deadpool has always been a fan favourite within the pages of Marvel comics, but after Fox sewed the Merc's mouth shut in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, things looked bleak for the future of Wade Wilson on film. That all changed though when Ryan Reynolds returned to the role, shooting test footage that was eventually "leaked" online.

11) Xmas Wish List

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In the buildup to Christmas, Deadpool took over the biggest holiday of them all with a campaign imaginatively titled the 12 Days of Deadpool. Each day, heĀ released random yet hilarious promo materials leading towards the unveiling of a brand new trailer on Christmas Day.

One of the highlights of this campaign was Deadpool’s very own Xmas wish list, written in red crayon, or perhaps even blood. You never can tell with these mercenaries.

Hardcore devoteesĀ of the character got a huge kick out of references to Betty White, sewing kits and a new fourth wall for the bathroom, but even casual Deadpool fans had plenty to enjoy with this early Xmas present.

10) The ‘Pool Log

Clocking in at a lean 69 minutes, this video is literally just a video of a burning paper bag set to some delightful festive music. Big props for the play on words and even more respect for anyone who actually sat through the entire running time, hoping for someone to stamp the fire out and create a mess at the end.

9) The “Leaked” Script

Deadpool script

Day 6 of the 12 Days of Deadpool brought us a “leaked” page from the final script, complete with Wade Wilson’s dirty annotations. Whether this was made by the entire marketing team or Ryan Reynolds simply did it on his lonesome, whoever made the joke about fisting Colossus deserves a raise and they deserve it now.