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The 20 Best Moments From Deadpool’s Brilliant Marketing Campaign

Deadpool has always been a fan favourite within the pages of Marvel comics, but after Fox sewed the Merc's mouth shut in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, things looked bleak for the future of Wade Wilson on film. That all changed though when Ryan Reynolds returned to the role, shooting test footage that was eventually "leaked" online.

2) Happy Australia Day

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A little bit of rivalry can be healthy in the right circumstances, unless you happen to be Deadpool and Wolverine, two of the most dangerous comic book characters ever created. After the few shared a few cheeky swipes at one another on social media, Deadpool created this promotional video to “celebrate” Australia Day… because that’s a real thing.

In his best Australian accent, Deadpool pokes fun at the nation’s shady criminal past and predilection for blackout drinking, before revealing that his grudge all stems from the fact that Australia gave us Hugh Jackman. This resentment isn’t personal, though. It’s just that X-Men Origins: Wolverine was a career low for him.

Understandable really. Fortunately, Australia end up fighting back with a swarm of diddly Australian bees, sort of.