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11 New Stills From Looper Revealed

Can't wait for Looper to arrive in theatres next week? You definitely aren't the only one. Fortunately, thanks to GeekTyrant, we have a batch of 11 new stills from the film to hold us over – for now, at least.

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Can’t wait for Looper to arrive in theatres next week? You definitely aren’t the only one. Fortunately, thanks to GeekTyrant, we have a batch of 11 new stills from the film to hold us over – for now, at least.

Directed and written by Rian Johnson, Looper is a sci-fi thriller that stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Joe, a hitman who targets assassins sent from 30 years in the future. Life is pretty good for Joe, until he recognizes his next target as his future self (played by Bruce Willis).

We see a lot of Old Joe (Willis) in these stills – Old Joe with guns, Old Joe in conversation with his younger self, and Old Joe cozying up with a woman (Summer Qing).

We also catch some glimpses of Gordon-Levitt (who seems to bear an uncanny resemblance to Willis, thanks to the makeup department), Emily Blunt looking pretty badass as Sara, and some new characters and action scenes we haven’t seen before.

Looper is my most anticipated film for the remainder of the year, so needless to say, these stills are amping up my anticipation that much more. They tell the audience bits and pieces of the story, but there haven’t been enough clips for us to actually decipher what’s going on in most of these photos – a great marketing strategy, if you ask me.

The film hits theatres on September 28th. Check out the stills below and tell us what you think in the comments.