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11 Directors Who Need To Helm A Marvel Or DC Movie

Due to the increasing success of superhero films, more and more critically acclaimed directors are flocking to make movies about people in capes and tights, when just ten to fifteen years ago such a move might have meant career suicide.

1) Edgar Wright

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Edgar Wright

You have to feel sorry for Edgar Wright. You work on the Ant-Man movie for about ten years, re-writing and re-formatting your ideas to get it just right, and in the end you have to bow out of the project due to differences with the studio. Luckily for us, Peyton Reed turned out to be a solid replacement for Wright and 2015’s Ant-Man was an enjoyable entry in the MCU.

However, we hope that Wright’s experience on that one hasn’t put him off making another superhero film. Presumably, he would want to give Marvel a wide berth after the whole Ant-Man thing, so instead he could cross over to DC. After seeing their recent movies, they need someone of Wright’s lightness of touch and strong storytelling abilities to steer them in the right direction.

Wright for a Plastic Man movie, anyone?