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10 WTF Moments In X-Men: Apocalypse

7) Learning From Television

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Remember in Michael Bay’s Transformers when the Autobots reveal that they learned how to speak English from the “world wide web”? Remember how fucking stupid that was? Well, X-Men: Apocalypse goes even stupider than that. In order to catch up with centuries of developments, En Sabah Nur taps into a TV and, somehow, sees before him all of recent human history.


There are a few problems with this. First of all, television sets in 1983 weren’t part of some interconnected system like the internet, full of unlimited information which some ancient being could learn from. Secondly, how exactly does Apocalypse hack into this worldwide television network in the first place? He’s millennia old – how/why would he have even developed the power to do that? What use would that have been in ancient Egypt?