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10 WTF Moments In X-Men: Apocalypse

1) Angel’s Death

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Proving the X-Men franchise still doesn’t know what to do with the Angel character, Apocalypse presents you with a new Warren Worthington III, played by Ben Hardy, only to fumble him as badly as The Last Stand did Ben Foster’s version. He gets a flashy intro, battling the Blob and Nightcrawler in some seedy underground club, and quite significantly becomes one of Apocalypse’s Four Horsemen – before, like Havok, being unceremoniously killed.

As with Havok, Angel’s death is abrupt, and the question we’re left with is this: why even introduce Angel in the first place? Are we really supposed to feel anything when we know next-to-nothing about this character? It’s reminiscent of Marvel’s baffling decision to introduce fan-favorite Quicksilver for the first time in Age of Ultron, only to kill him off shortly after. Wouldn’t it have been a better idea to maybe save Angel for future movies, keeping him around along with the other newbies?