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10 Witty Halloween Costumes Based On 2013 Movies

Even more than ghosts and provocative costumes, Halloween has become marked by its unoriginality. Year after year, people dress up as the same generic things. I'm no exception to this. As a child I was Zorro 7 times. While Zorro is totally awesome, and I loved wearing a mask and a cape, a little variety would have been nice.

Take A Knee

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Jaden Smith, thinking about clouds.

What  You’ll Need

Some form of spandex shirt and tights.

What You’ll Do

One of the worst movies of the year, and thus one of the best to make fun of, was without a doubt the Smith-tastropy of After Earth (copyright pending on that phrase. It’ll be in higher demand with every film the father/son duo does together.)

Perhaps the lamest concept in the entire movie was Jaden Smith constantly being instructed to take a knee in order to control his fear. Take a knee? What is this, 10-year-old little league? Should he play in the dirt in right field as well?

So for this costume, all you have to do is wear some sort of tight spandex suit, and then drop to a knee and steady yourself every time you feel the inkling, which if you’re doing it properly by the movie, is every five freaking seconds.

Be careful though, you don’t want anyone to mistake you taking a Jaden Knee as Tebowing.