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10 Witty Halloween Costumes Based On 2013 Movies

Even more than ghosts and provocative costumes, Halloween has become marked by its unoriginality. Year after year, people dress up as the same generic things. I'm no exception to this. As a child I was Zorro 7 times. While Zorro is totally awesome, and I loved wearing a mask and a cape, a little variety would have been nice.

A Modern-Day Shakespeare

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What You’ll Need

A knack for speaking in olde English.

What You’ll Do

Joss Whedon’sĀ Much Ado About NothingĀ got its theatrical release in 2013, and for the most part has been extremely well-received by critics and fans alike. Part of the film’s charm is the fact it used the original Shakespearean dialogue. Happem to be a fan of classic plays? Well then for Halloween this year you can be a modern adaptation of Shakespeare. It’s a perfect excuse to be as pretentious as you want in your conversation for an evening, and the costume won’t be that hard. You can throw on a suit, but it really isn’t necessary. Wear whatever you want, and make your costume solely your voice.

So those are our picks for some off-the-wall Halloween costumes based on 2013 movies. Are you going to use any of them? Do you have any ideas of your own? Head down to the comments section to share your thoughts!