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10 Big Changes That Joss Whedon’s Made To Justice League

DC fans have been glued to the ongoing news about Justice League's ever-changing production for months now. After principal photography was completed by Zack Snyder, an extensive period of reshoots was undertaken by The Avengers director Joss Whedon. Of course, reshoots are par for the course for big Hollywood pictures nowadays, but for Justice League, the process seems to be more transformative than most.

2) Darkseid Is Cut

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Since the infamous Knightmare sequence in BvS, when Batman was seen battling Parademons in a post-apocalyptic wasteland patterned with Omega symbols, it’s been clear to fans where the DCEU was heading: Darkseid’s coming. It was a bit of a surprise, then, when it was revealed that the evil lord of Apokolips would not be the big bad of Justice League, with his general Steppenwolf taking that job instead.

Still, there were rumours that Darkseid would inevitably turn up for a cameo at the end of the movie, setting up a bigger appearance down the line. Sure, it sounds a lot like Thanos in The Avengers, but it would have pleased DC lovers everywhere to see the rock-faced rascal.

Apparently, though, Whedon has removed Snyder’s initial plans to include a sequel-baiting cameo for Darkseid in a bid to give the pic a proper conclusion. According to Batman-On-Film, “the Darkseid cameo at the end was removed once Joss Whedon took over and the film’s ending is it’s ENDING.”