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10 Ways That Avengers: Infinity War Sets Up The Future Of The MCU

Infinity War teases what's to come in the MCU in many ways - from Avengers 4 to other mooted projects such as Nova and The Eternals.

Doctor Strange Sees The Future

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There’s a curious scene that’s almost glossed over in Infinity War which we imagine will prove to be of huge importance in Avengers 4. In order to see how they could defeat Thanos, Doctor Strange uses the Time Stone to view millions of alternate versions of future events. We learn that in just one of these do things turn out in the heroes’ favour and Thanos is defeated.

Soon afterwards, it looks certain that the Avengers are living in one of those Thanos-winning timelines, as the villain gets hold of the Time Stone – after Strange gives it to him in order to save Iron Man’s life. Tony can’t understand why the sorcerer would do this. But Strange, shortly before he disappears along with half of the universe, assures him that it was “the only way.”

Though Strange made it look like he was rather stupidly sacrificing the universe for Tony, we’re pretty sure that the Master of Mystic Arts actually knew what he was doing here when giving Thanos the Time Stone. Presumably, this has to happen for the Avengers to eventually win, even though they’re currently in the worst situation possible.

“She’s Not Alone”

Fans have really gotten behind the talk of an all-female MCU team-up movie ever since it came out that some of Marvel’s actresses had pitched the idea to Kevin Feige. As it happens, recent comments have played down the chances of this happening. But that hasn’t stopped fans from wanting it – and one scene in Infinity War gives us a brief tease of what such a movie could look like.

When Proxima Midnight corners Scarlet Witch on the Wakandan battlefield, she taunts her for being alone. “She’s not alone,” says another voice. It’s Black Widow, who’s arrived with Okoye to aid Wanda. What follows is a three-against-one fight featuring some of the toughest women in the MCU.

This doesn’t exactly set up an all-female team-up movie, but it definitely feels like it’s testing the water for one. And going by the huge interest in the idea, and the way this scene is being picked out by viewers as a highlight, we’d say it makes clear that Marvel should get their skates on and turn this casual suggestion into a reality.