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10 Villains That Are More Popular Than Their Hero Counterparts

Every protagonist needs a formidable antagonist - someone who takes the danger to the next level and challenges the hero to be better. Sometimes, however, these villains end up being more than just fearsome and become iconic personalities in their own right.

Darth Vader

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Was there any doubt that Darth Vader would be on this list? When you think of Star Wars, the cyborg, born Anakin Skywalker, will be the first person to pop into anyone’s mind. From his celebrated look, booming voice, and mastery of the red lightsaber, there’s never been quite a villain like Vader.

Part of the Sith Lord’s appeal is undoubtedly his history, which paints him out to be a tragic hero of sorts. Sure, let’s forget the fact that he blew up planets, betrayed the Jedi, and slaughtered a bunch of helpless children, but he did redeem himself at the end of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. So, I guess that counts for something, right?

In a universe with a plethora of unforgettable and colorful characters, Lord Vader chokes the life out of everyone around him to stand supreme. If only he’d turned to the dark side earlier in his life and finished off Jar Jar Binks before the prequels…