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10 Villains That Are More Popular Than Their Hero Counterparts

Every protagonist needs a formidable antagonist - someone who takes the danger to the next level and challenges the hero to be better. Sometimes, however, these villains end up being more than just fearsome and become iconic personalities in their own right.


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Watch X-Men: First Class and X-Men: Apocalypse, then tell me you wouldn’t react the same way Magneto did. When life gave Erik Lensherr lemons, he gave it metal-fused revenge in return. Do you blame him for his actions?

While Charles Xavier’s idealistic dream can be appreciated, Lensherr sees the harsh and brutal truth of the world around them. The fact that he can convince Charles’ students to join his Brotherhood of Mutants shows us that his ideals resonate strongly with others, too. Think about it: more mutants have hopped over to Magneto’s side than the opposite. That tells you something.

He’s been a thorn in the X-Men’s side since their inception, and he’s been their leader on occasion as well. Professor X may be the founding member and recognized head of this iconic team, but Magneto remains more popular than his on-and-off-again bestie. You could say that he has a natural magnetism to him.