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10 Villains That Are More Popular Than Their Hero Counterparts

Every protagonist needs a formidable antagonist - someone who takes the danger to the next level and challenges the hero to be better. Sometimes, however, these villains end up being more than just fearsome and become iconic personalities in their own right.

Dr. Evil

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Honestly, ask yourself why you even bothered with Austin Powers? It wasn’t because of the groovy spy, his shagedellic chest rug, or his gorgeous sidekicks. No, it was because of his dastardly brother, Dr. Evil: the man with the sinister pinky and Lex Luthor haircut.

Whether he stroked his cat, Mr. Bigglesworth, or tried to repair his fractured relationship with his son, Scott, the doctor of wickedness had a far more interesting arc than Powers. Let down by incompetent henchmen, Dr. Evil did the best with what he had, even if he did waste a lot of time explaining simple terms like “laser” too much.

He’s been quiet since 2002, and it’s a downright shame. In fact, it’s a travesty that we have endless seasons of Keeping Up with the Kardashians vomited out, but no more Dr. Evil in our lives. Throw me a frickin’ bone here.