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10 Upcoming Video Game Movies That Could Surpass The Source Material

If there's anything all gamers can agree upon, it's that video game movies are generally pretty atrocious. This has been the case going all the way back to Super Mario Bros. in 1993, and it's just as true today. Typically, the best we can hope for is something mediocre but technically proficient, such as Prince of Persia, Resident Evil or Tomb Raider; never has there been a truly great adaptation that transcends the genre and becomes an excellent film in its own right.

6) Uncharted (June 30, 2017)

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All of Naughty Dog’s games are fairly cinematic; in addition to The Last of Us, that’s also the case with Uncharted. But unlike The Last of Us, the Uncharted movie appears to be in active development, and Sony has it scheduled for June 30, 2017. Following treasure hunter Nathan Drake, the franchise is very much inspired by Indiana Jones, with the trilogy being a series of adventures based around historical mysteries and full of exciting action.

The development process for Uncharted has been quite insane thus far: David O. Russell, Neil Burger and Seth Gordon all signed on and dropped out within the past few years. There still are two writers attached, though: Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer, who also collaborated on the screenplay for Marvel’s Doctor Strange. Award-winning screenwriter Mark Boal contributed to the script at one point, and although the Zero Dark Thirty scribe is no longer on board, the fact that he was involved at all suggests Sony isn’t just aiming for some cheap Raiders knockoff.


The issue with an Uncharted film, of course, is that without the interactive component, it could just feel like a generic adventure movie without much substance. Part of the reason the games were entertaining was because they made us feel like we were living the movies we grew up watching, something you can’t experience without picking up a controller.

But still, the game is still packed to the brim with memorable characters and cool twists, so assuming the new director can deliver pulse-pounding action, and the writers can craft a mystery on par with the games, the Uncharted movie could definitely surprise everyone.