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10 Things We Want To See In Ben Affleck’s The Batman

The DC Extended Universe has many exciting projects in the pipeline – from next year’s Wonder Woman and Justice League to touted movies we don’t know much about yet like Green Lantern Corps. One of those that's most exciting the fans, though, is The Batman – the upcoming solo Dark Knight movie starring, written and directed by Ben Affleck.

8) Meet Bruce Wayne

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Despite everything that was squeezed into Batman V Superman, Ben Affleck probably got the lion’s share of the screentime as the Dark Knight – arguably stealing the show as he pummelled bad guys and went toe-to-toe with Superman. One big element of the character was not explored nearly enough though – Bruce Wayne.

We got only a few hints at Bruce’s life outside the cowl, enough to give us a vague flavour that Affleck’s Bruce is a billionaire playboy gone to seed. The kind of guy who wakes up in the middle of the night next to an anonymous woman to glug back some alcohol and pop some pills. But we don’t really get a feel for what makes Affleck’s Bruce different from other versions, in the sense of his everyday life.

Does the DCEU’s Bruce Wayne pretend to be a drunken idiot like Bale’s? Or is he a competent, lonely businessman like Keaton’s? We’ve obviously seen the whole secret identity thing play out many times now, but it’s something that has to be there, otherwise it’s conspicuous by its absence.