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10 Things We Want To See In Ben Affleck’s The Batman

The DC Extended Universe has many exciting projects in the pipeline – from next year’s Wonder Woman and Justice League to touted movies we don’t know much about yet like Green Lantern Corps. One of those that's most exciting the fans, though, is The Batman – the upcoming solo Dark Knight movie starring, written and directed by Ben Affleck.

9) Resolution Of The Robin Mystery

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As we just mentioned, when we meet him in BvS, Ben Affleck’s Batman has been crime fighting in Gotham for a while. Long enough for him to train up his sidekick Robin, only to see him die at the Joker’s hands. Well, at least, that’s what we assume.

All of this has only been conveyed in a single brief scene in the movie, in which Bruce comes across an outfit that you can just about make out as Robin’s, adorned with Joker-like graffiti. Hardcore fans will be able to put two and two together and work out that the film is alluding to when Joker brutally killed Jason Todd, the second Robin, in the comics. General viewers, though, are given no context here.

Hopefully we’ll get an explanation about this in The Batman. The death of a young man in his care is a hugely dramatic backstory that needs to be properly mined. At last it would give us a fresh impetus for Batman’s pain, other than the boring old murder of his parents.