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10 Normal Things Movies Have Made Terrifying (Part II)

Like a bad cold you just can't shake, Al Lowe and I are back to continue our new writing franchise: 10 Things Movies Have Made Terrifying. We already brought you a part one, but after numerous discussions about all the objects we'd left out, and after coming to the realization that there's an endless list of these sorts of things, we decided to reunite for a follow-up feature highlighting some glaring omissions from our original article. The first time around we tackled sillier objects like tires, sushi, tricycles, and books, but I believe we'll be hitting on more actual fears this time around. Part one was all about having fun, but part two definitely got a little bit darker.

People Watching: Rear Window

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You’ll be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t enjoy people watching. It’s a lot of fun. After all, you get to see interesting people doing interesting things, and you even have the power to invent entire stories and conversations centered around their actions. It’s the ultimate lazy day activity for a lonely person with a window. But I will never again people watch, and it’s thanks to that terrifying classic – Rear Window.

What Rear Window taught me is if you people watch, you’ll likely see something you’d rather not know. Sure, it’s good that Jeff was able to figure out that his neighbor was a cold-blooded killer, but think how much easier Jeff’s life would’ve been had he not figured that out. Plus, when Mr. Thorwald came a-killin’, Jeff was lucky enough to have a camera nearby. I personally do not have a camera with that strong of a flash, so had it been me in that situation, I would be chopped up in little pieces with hydrangeas being fertilized by my corpse. That’s why if you walk by my house, you’ll notice all the blinds are tightly drawn, because I don’t ever want to see my neighbors and risk noticing they have a tendency to do away with those who disagree with them.