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10 Normal Things Movies Have Made Terrifying (Part II)

Like a bad cold you just can't shake, Al Lowe and I are back to continue our new writing franchise: 10 Things Movies Have Made Terrifying. We already brought you a part one, but after numerous discussions about all the objects we'd left out, and after coming to the realization that there's an endless list of these sorts of things, we decided to reunite for a follow-up feature highlighting some glaring omissions from our original article. The first time around we tackled sillier objects like tires, sushi, tricycles, and books, but I believe we'll be hitting on more actual fears this time around. Part one was all about having fun, but part two definitely got a little bit darker.

Dreams: A Nightmare On Elm Street

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Damn, this is another obvious one I missed – especially since Freddy Krueger is my favorite slasher villain of all time. How could you not be afraid to fall asleep after discovering a monster that waits for us at our most vulnerable, invades what pleasant dreamland we might be floating though, and then kills you in both dreamland and real life? How does the song go? “9…10…never sleep again.” Oh yeah, that.

Freddy Krueger takes the idea of “home field advantage” to horrifying new heights, as he controls everything in the dream world. Sure, you can try to fight him, as many teens attempted, but in the end, Freddy always has a new trick up his sleeve – one you can’t escape. Remember all those nightmares you had where you try to run, but all of a sudden you’re moving in slow-motion, and no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t get away? Well, be thankful that wasn’t Freddy chasing you, because when he catches you, there is no waking up. Got those sleeping pills handy?