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10 Normal Things Movies Have Made Terrifying (Part II)

Like a bad cold you just can't shake, Al Lowe and I are back to continue our new writing franchise: 10 Things Movies Have Made Terrifying. We already brought you a part one, but after numerous discussions about all the objects we'd left out, and after coming to the realization that there's an endless list of these sorts of things, we decided to reunite for a follow-up feature highlighting some glaring omissions from our original article. The first time around we tackled sillier objects like tires, sushi, tricycles, and books, but I believe we'll be hitting on more actual fears this time around. Part one was all about having fun, but part two definitely got a little bit darker.

Dolls: Child’s Play

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Fun fact: I’ve still never seen a single Child’s Play movie because I was deathly afraid of Chucky as a child, teenager, and young adult. I don’t know why. Well, OK, as previously stated, I was a big weenie as a child, so I understand then. But as I outgrew my distaste of all things horror, Chucky was the one evil icon I couldn’t shake.

Silly right? A doll. A child’s play toy. Something inanimate coming to life and murdering people. Out of all the horror villains to be afraid of, that’s the one that sends me into a hyperventilating fit, haunting my mind as I lay in bed with 20 blankets over my head? Yup, can’t explain it, but for way too damn long, Chucky ruined me.

Maybe it has something to do with Child’s Play taking something so innocent and turning it into this malevolent character who kills without prejudice. Everyone owns toys growing up, and as children we looked to such things with creative wonder and enjoyment.

Then horror movies come along and show something associated with safety as the complete opposite? Twisting reality and our minds too? Sounds plausible to me.