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10 Superheroes That Are Much Better As Supporting Characters

Despite their superpowers, unlimited bank accounts and figure-hugging outfits, superheroes are very much like us ordinary plebeians. You see, some of them are born to be great: to go out and save the world while their logos adorn lunchboxes and boxers everywhere. And then there are others who're meant to be there as well - albeit a little quieter.

Rick Jones

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If there ever was a need for a rent-a-sidekick business, Rick Jones would definitely be the CEO. Having been a partner to the Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Captain Marvel and Rom, Rick’s always looking for the next sweet gig. While he never reached the Bucky-level of popularity (even though he did take up the alias as well at some point), he still stands out as a resilient sidekick in the Marvel universe.

Sadly for him, the writers decided to infuse him with some superpowers, in an effort to elevate him from a supporting character to a starring role. Yet, with aliases like A-Bomb and Whisperer, he sounds more like a bad WWE jobber and you can never quite take him seriously as a superhero.

In Rick’s case, he’s better placed as a partner to the star than the actual hero. He’s endearing enough, but not quite A-list material. Not everyone can be the lead singer, you know – someone needs to be the bass player, too.