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10 Superheroes That Are Much Better As Supporting Characters

Despite their superpowers, unlimited bank accounts and figure-hugging outfits, superheroes are very much like us ordinary plebeians. You see, some of them are born to be great: to go out and save the world while their logos adorn lunchboxes and boxers everywhere. And then there are others who're meant to be there as well - albeit a little quieter.

Roy Harper/Arsenal

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Man, DC’s been brutal to Roy Harper over the years. Whether it be by orphaning him, giving him a substance abuse problem, or chopping off his arm in Young Justice, the character’s been through the wringer more often than not. Hasn’t he suffered enough?

In the New 52, he received a shot as a leading character. First, he was paired up with Jason Todd/Red Hood and Koriand’r/Starfire in Red Hood and the Outlaws, and then him and Jason in Red Hood/Arsenal. What the two series did prove was that Roy lacks the ability to be anything more than a sidekick or glorified team member in the DC universe. He never shined, as he played second fiddle to the others around him. Not everyone can be a natural leader, and Roy proved this.

Rebirth has brought him back together with Green Arrow and the Titans team and it’s a shrewd move, because this is where he belongs on the food chain. Hopefully, the writers are kinder to him this time and don’t put him through more unnecessary trauma in the future.