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10 Superhero Movies That Almost Turned Out Very Differently

The long process a movie goes through from initial pitch to making it to the screen can often result in some enormous changes from the original idea. Superhero movies, in particular, often fall prey to this. With ballooning budgets and the capacity to make hundreds of millions of dollars back, comic book films have a lot riding on them and so producers and studio execs will pour over them with a fine toothcomb during the development stages, in a bid to ensure that the movie will be a hit.

4) X-Men: The Last Stand

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The first big misstep of the X-Men franchise was 2006’s X-Men: The Last Stand. While it’s hard to say who’s to blame, it’s commonly thought that it would have been a lot better if Bryan Singer had stuck around to complete the trilogy, instead of handing over the reins to Brett Ratner.

As it was, Singer actually made quite a lot of headway for the film before he was poached by DC to make Superman Returns. In his version, Jean Grey’s transformation would have been the core of the film. The main villain was to have been Emma Frost, who Singer wanted to be played by Sigourney Weaver.

After Singer left, future First Class director Matthew Vaughn was also briefly in charge before he bowed out due to disagreements with the studio.