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10 Superhero Movies That Almost Turned Out Very Differently

The long process a movie goes through from initial pitch to making it to the screen can often result in some enormous changes from the original idea. Superhero movies, in particular, often fall prey to this. With ballooning budgets and the capacity to make hundreds of millions of dollars back, comic book films have a lot riding on them and so producers and studio execs will pour over them with a fine toothcomb during the development stages, in a bid to ensure that the movie will be a hit.

7) Spider-Man 3

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One of the most damning criticisms aimed at Spider-Man 3 is its treatment of Venom. Instead of being the focus of the film, one of the coolest and most beloved Spidey villains ever only properly turns up for about twenty minutes at the end of the movie. And even then he’s in the form of the miscast Topher Grace.

It won’t come as much of a surprise, then, that Venom was not originally meant to be in the film. In fact, director Sam Raimi has gone on record about his distaste for the character. His first choice of secondary villain for the film was the Vulture, with Ben Kingsley in mind to play him. Exec producer Avi Arad, however, was adamant that Venom should make an appearance, due to his widespread popularity.