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10 Ways To Make Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 Better Than The First

This summer, after years of fighting, Marvel Studios finally brought Spider-Man home. Having managed to wrestle temporary control of one of their greatest heroes back from Sony, they produced Spider-Man: Homecoming to build on the character's introduction in 2016's Captain America: Civil War. Tom Holland did a great job of introducing us to our third iteration of the hero in just over a decade and the film hit cinemas full of promise.

2) Don’t Leave The “Friendly Neighbourhood” Behind

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Growing up as an avid Spider-Man reader, one of the things I always loved about the hero was how accessible his stories seemed. That may seem a ridiculous point to make about a spider-powered teenager fighting all manner of mutants and creatures across New York, but hear me out.

Where characters like Iron Man and The Hulk have always seemed like they move from battle to battle with nothing hugely tangible to connect the events, Peter Parker’s life always felt different. The fact that he’s a youngster always helped, but there’s far more to it than his age.

The pages of a Spider-Man story are always just as likely to include him rescuing an infant or stopping an ATM hold-up as they are having him face off against a super-villain. Spider-Man is everyone’s hero, and the scenes of him dealing with “street level” issues inĀ Homecoming hit all the right nostalgic notes. It’s natural that the events of the sequel will get bigger, but crucial that this part of what makes the hero so great is not left behind.