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10 Ways To Make Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 Better Than The First

This summer, after years of fighting, Marvel Studios finally brought Spider-Man home. Having managed to wrestle temporary control of one of their greatest heroes back from Sony, they produced Spider-Man: Homecoming to build on the character's introduction in 2016's Captain America: Civil War. Tom Holland did a great job of introducing us to our third iteration of the hero in just over a decade and the film hit cinemas full of promise.

3) Bring In J. Jonah Jameson

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So, on the one hand, it’s crucial for Marvel’s Spidey sequel to focus its attentions on some of the key characters that have already been introduced. On the other, however, one iconic antagonist surely has to make a return to the screen sooner rather than later. Save for a fleeting glance at his name in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, J. Jonah Jameson was disappointingly absent from Marc Webb’s recent series.

And, while many would argue that the likes of The Green Goblin or Doc Ock are Spider-Man’s greatest foes, there are few who have hounded the hero as often or as effectively as JJJ. For a start, his role in the creation of Mac Gargan’s Scorpion makes him a great candidate for inclusion following that villain’s introduction at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Although we’re yet to see the classic photographer’s roots for Hollan’s Peter Parker just yet, the writers did give us a very clever modern alternative. Peter’s video diaries and YouTube postings give him the foundations of what many may see as a modern iteration of the newspaper photographer. Swap the photos of Spidey for slick videos sold to JJJ’s Daily Bugle website and the foundation of their relationship is brought perfectly into the 21st century.