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10 Ways To Make Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 Better Than The First

This summer, after years of fighting, Marvel Studios finally brought Spider-Man home. Having managed to wrestle temporary control of one of their greatest heroes back from Sony, they produced Spider-Man: Homecoming to build on the character's introduction in 2016's Captain America: Civil War. Tom Holland did a great job of introducing us to our third iteration of the hero in just over a decade and the film hit cinemas full of promise.

10) Trim The List Of Characters Down

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One of the more surprising accomplishments of Spider-Man: Homecoming was the way it managed to cram so many familiar characters in without the events feeling overcrowded. In school alone, a whole host of famous comic characters were brought to the screen and quickly embedded into Peter’s life in mostly familiar roles. This in turn opens up all manner of avenues for the future of the series.

However, trying to flesh out too many of these stories too early would be a cardinal sin. We’ve seen Spider-Man movies that are overstuffed with competing characters and story arcs fail in the past and it would be a disaster if the same thing happens here. It’s natural that the temptation to draw on all of these great characters will be there, but better instincts have to take over.

For now, it’s enough for us to know that Peter’s friends, rivals and love interests exist in this on-screen universe. We don’t need them to be crammed into the sequel just for the sake of reminding us they’re there. Surely the studio can give us enough credit to remember the likes of Flash or Betty in a third movie, even if they’re traipsed back out for us in 2019?

But, while a few of these characters can stand to be pushed aside for a while, there are those who’ll need to play a key part in the sequel…