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10 Things That Still Make No Sense In X-Men: Apocalypse

3) The Fate Of Wolverine

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Do you remember what happened to Wolverine at the end of Days of Future Past? It appeared Logan was going to end up in the hands of Col. Stryker, until it was revealed that the ‘man’ taking charge of Wolverine was actually Mystique in disguise as the Colonel. Somehow, despite Raven saving Logan in 1973, we find Wolverine captive in Apocalypse, inside one of Stryker’s facilities.

Did you have all this in mind when you were watching Apocalypse, as though the scene with Mystique never happened? Because it seems like Bryan Singer forgot. Otherwise, it makes no sense – from a storyteller’s perspective – that the idea Mystique was going to save Wolverine from Stryker would be introduced at the end of Days, only for Apocalypse to entirely ditch it without explanation. And at this point, we still don’t know how Stryker got Logan.