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10 Reasons Why Spectre Doesn’t Top Skyfall

Sam Mendes' Spectre, the 24th entry in the James Bond franchise, is not a bad film. Critical consensus indicates it's flawed, but still basically enjoyable and artfully made by a director who's proven surprisingly adept at blockbuster filmmaking. Nevertheless, Spectre has the misfortune of following one of the greatest Bond movies of all-time: Mendes' own Skyfall. A Bond film made to simultaneously bring 007 up-to-date and celebrate 50 years of the character, Skyfall is comfortably the best of the Daniel Craig Bonds. Spectre comes in at a respectable third.

10) Below-Par CGI

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Skyfall‘s egregious Komodo dragons were bad enough, but Spectre goes one better in the bad CGI stakes. Though Mendes admirably keeps special effects practical and in-camera where possible, he doesn’t have the same perfectionist’s grasp on VFX as someone like Christopher Nolan. It wasn’t so damaging in Skyfall, but in Spectre, key scenes are reliant on some below-par computer-designed effects.

Without giving too much away, a pair of collapsing buildings play a part in almost taking 007 down in Spectre, as does a dentist’s chair-like torture device. All of these are built from CGI, but the effects are so underdeveloped and unconvincing that the threat level is severely diminished.