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10 Reasons To Believe The Revenant Could Be The Best Film Of 2015

With 2015 now into its fourth quarter, it might seem foolish to single out one upcoming film and predict that it's the one to come out on top this year. After all, now is the time when we start heading into awards season, and all the movies that have been saved for this particular stretch will be released in the coming weeks and months, as they vie for entry into next year's Oscars.

6) Leonardo DiCaprio’s On The Hunt For An Oscar

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Looking back, shouldn’t it really have been Leonardo DiCaprio who won the Oscar for Best Actor in 2014?

Having steadily improved role on role over the years, in The Wolf Of Wall Street DiCaprio was the best he’d ever been, proving he’s only ever in a state of getting better. Now, for his next film, the actor has been more dedicated than ever in a bid to finally win that Oscar.


For one, he grew the hair, beard, and belly over months before production even began to play Hugh Glass, while on-set he went a bit method and ate a bison’s liver for one scene – despite being a vegetarian.

The dialogue-free nature of the part could harm his Oscar chances somewhat (Academy voters tend to prefer actors who give emotive, wordy performances), but regardless, even on an off day DiCaprio is compelling. And met with a challenge like this, he’s likely to be on peak form.