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10 Reasons Why Another Indiana Jones Movie Is A Great Idea

Steven Spielberg is certainly a busy man at the moment. Fresh off taking his Cold War thriller Bridge of Spies to this year's Oscars, the director is already teasing his next project - The BFG, which got its first full-length trailer this week - and prepping for the one after that, sci-fi actioner Ready Player One. Anyone who's been keeping track, however, will know that there's one more film from The Beard on the horizon, and for fans it's a reason to be either excited or nervous.

4) George Lucas Doesn’t Appear To Be Involved

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George Lucas

Film lovers breathed a huge sigh of relief when it was announced that the new Star Wars movies made under the Disney banner wouldn’t feature involvement from George Lucas. Anyone who saw the prequels saw enough to know Lucas had lost the magic. And arguably, you could say Kingdom of the Crystal Skull also proved as much – where Spielberg wanted to go with a different story for Skull, Lucas held out for the aliens in the 1950s plot that fans got, and which they were ultimately so disappointed with.

With the Lucas-free Episode VII being so rapturously received by both fans and critics, it would seem parting ways with Lucas isn’t a bad idea for well-loved franchises at this point. And it seems that’s exactly what Steven Spielberg has done for Indiana Jones 5, as the press release announcing the film arrived with Lucas’ name conspicuously absent. George Lucas had previously been a producer on all the Indiana Jones films, but it seems he’s involved no longer. That sound you hear is the fans breathing another sigh of relief.