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10 Reasons Why Another Indiana Jones Movie Is A Great Idea

Steven Spielberg is certainly a busy man at the moment. Fresh off taking his Cold War thriller Bridge of Spies to this year's Oscars, the director is already teasing his next project - The BFG, which got its first full-length trailer this week - and prepping for the one after that, sci-fi actioner Ready Player One. Anyone who's been keeping track, however, will know that there's one more film from The Beard on the horizon, and for fans it's a reason to be either excited or nervous.

6) Harrison Ford Is Still The Man

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There was until recently talk that the character of Indiana Jones would return to the big screen in a new form, perhaps with Chris Pratt or another actor with Harrison Ford-like qualities in the role. Happily, this isn’t happening just yet.

Ford is 73, so with Indiana Jones 5 you’re looking at what will likely be his last stint in the part, but the headline is that he’s coming back at all, to play a character that’s arguably as beloved as his Star Wars rogue.

Ford, in reprising his role as Han Solo, was one of the (many) true pleasures of The Force Awakens. Proving he’s still formidably charismatic as ever, the actor’s performance in Episode VII bodes well for Indiana Jones 5.

He hasn’t lost the swagger, cocky charm or self-deprecating comic timing required to play Henry Jones Jr. Even if Spielberg isn’t on form for Indy 5, we at least know know Ford will still deliver the goods.

5) Indiana Jones Remains One Of The Greatest Characters, Ever


Whatever you think of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, you can’t deny that even in that movie Indiana Jones remains a riveting, iconic character. He’s a cranky, creaky action hero that only becomes more compelling as he becomes ever crankier and creakier. He’s the unassuming ladies man and cynical smart alec who holds on to his skepticism even as he comes face to face with the supernatural. And who doesn’t want to see him on the screen one more time?

Ford will be 76 by the time he shoots Indy 5, meaning this could well be the last time we see the whip-cracking archaeologist in cinemas (at least in this form – no doubt the character will be rebooted somewhere down the line).

It’ll be interesting to see then what Spielberg does with a character that no longer necessarily has the ability to out-run and out-gun his enemies as he once did. If anything, Indy 5 could turn out to be an emotional goodbye for the titular hero.