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10 Reasons Why Another Indiana Jones Movie Is A Great Idea

Steven Spielberg is certainly a busy man at the moment. Fresh off taking his Cold War thriller Bridge of Spies to this year's Oscars, the director is already teasing his next project - The BFG, which got its first full-length trailer this week - and prepping for the one after that, sci-fi actioner Ready Player One. Anyone who's been keeping track, however, will know that there's one more film from The Beard on the horizon, and for fans it's a reason to be either excited or nervous.

10) The Odds Have Been Good So Far

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Understandably, fans are apprehensive about Spielberg returning to the Indiana Jones franchise when he got the last one so wrong. For some, it’s seen as a George Lucas scenario: filmmaker returns to his own much-loved world after a long break, only to have forgotten what it was that made people fall in love with the films in the first place. And like Lucas’ Star Wars prequels, Crystal Skull was heavy with unnecessary CGI, tinkered with the original tone and featured some downright annoying new characters.

People are forgetting, though, that George Lucas screwed up with the prequels three times, whereas Spielberg has only stumbled once with his Indiana Jones movies. So far, the odds of getting a good Indiana movie as opposed to a bad one have been pretty solid.

Out of four movies, Spielberg has only made one dud Indiana Jones picture to date. Going forward, we can still afford to give this master filmmaker the benefit of the doubt, can’t we?