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10 Reasons Why Another Indiana Jones Movie Is A Great Idea

Steven Spielberg is certainly a busy man at the moment. Fresh off taking his Cold War thriller Bridge of Spies to this year's Oscars, the director is already teasing his next project - The BFG, which got its first full-length trailer this week - and prepping for the one after that, sci-fi actioner Ready Player One. Anyone who's been keeping track, however, will know that there's one more film from The Beard on the horizon, and for fans it's a reason to be either excited or nervous.


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Steven Spielberg is certainly a busy man at the moment. Fresh off taking his Cold War thriller Bridge of Spies to this year’s Oscars, the director is already teasing his next project – The BFG, which got its first full-length trailer this week – and prepping for the one after that, sci-fi actioner Ready Player One. Anyone who’s been keeping track, however, will know that there’s one more film from The Beard on the horizon, and for fans it’s a reason to be either excited or nervous.

Indiana Jones 5, Spielberg’s next film after Ready Player One, is the follow-up to the widely-derided Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. That was a film that jumped the shark so hard it even coined a new phrase – nuking the fridge. Crystal Skull had CGI gophers, CGI monkeys, CGI ants, Shia LaBeouf for some reason and a weak villain in Cate Blanchett’s Soviet agent. It’s a film that took so much that was great about the original Indiana Jones movies and left out the heart.

Does that mean Indiana Jones 5 will be more of the same? Not necessarily. We don’t have any significant details on the film just yet, but while fans are certainly hesitant, there are more than a few good reasons to suggest they needn’t be.

Here, then, are ten reasons why an Indiana Jones 5 is actually a good idea.