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The 10 Most Memorable Quotes From The Dark Knight Trilogy

If you're like me, you have spent the last 4 years scouring the internet for hints of news about The Dark Knight Rises. Whether it was casting news, locations, or plot clues that leaked, that information was what got me through the long wait.

“Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up.” – Thomas Wayne in Batman Begins

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The words of Thomas Wayne echo throughout the Dark Knight trilogy. They are the driving force for every time Bruce struggles or falls and needs to press on. When he is trapped in a prison, with a broken back, his father’s words are in his mind. Even when they aren’t heard, the ripples of this quote underscore so much of the trilogy that it will surely beĀ rememberedĀ and quoted for years to come.

It is one of many quotes that are used multiple times in the movies, and perhaps just as effective as the first time these words are said is when Alfred repeats them to Bruce, showing faith in him and reminding him of what his father stood for.

Yet another amazing example of the enduring wisdom of these films.