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Answers To The 10 Most Pressing X-Men: Days Of Future Past Questions

There’s a good chance that you spent a portion of your Memorial Day weekend in a movie theater, and there’s an equally good chance that you were there to watch Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past. The fifth film in the X-Men franchise, seventh if you include two solo Wolverine outings, combines many of the characters and lore across all the various X-films. Naturally, this can lead to many unanswered questions, as with so many stories, characters, plots and motivations, it’s pretty easy to lose focus on all the pieces that are in motion.

What Does The Return Of Cyclops And Jean Mean?

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The final scene of Days Of Future Past returns the time-travelling Logan to a future wherein the sun is shining, students are happily wandering the halls, and err, lots of people who were dead are now very much alive. The most shocking reveal (kept so deftly under wraps to the point that director Bryan Singer denied the actors’ involvement in the production) was the return of original X-Men, Jean Grey and Scott Summers (Cyclops).

But hang on, how can they be alive?

Simple. The original 1973, the version where Bolivar Trask’s mutant-murdering Sentinels are spawned, is re-written by the events following Wolverine’s trip back in time. Mystique no longer kills Trask and the world views mutants in a different light as a result. Furthermore, Trask is jailed for a ton of offenses previously unknown, and his Sentinel program is canceled.

The ripple effect of those actions, in essence, has wiped out the hideous story developments seen in The Last Stand. Scott and Jean never died at all – hence their appearance when Logan steps into Xavier’s office at the end of the film.

For the future of the franchise this could mean that we get another sequel after X-Men: Apocalypse featuring the older, original cast.