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Answers To The 10 Most Pressing X-Men: Days Of Future Past Questions

There’s a good chance that you spent a portion of your Memorial Day weekend in a movie theater, and there’s an equally good chance that you were there to watch Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past. The fifth film in the X-Men franchise, seventh if you include two solo Wolverine outings, combines many of the characters and lore across all the various X-films. Naturally, this can lead to many unanswered questions, as with so many stories, characters, plots and motivations, it’s pretty easy to lose focus on all the pieces that are in motion.

Wasn’t Rogue Going To Have A Bigger Part In The Movie?

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Yes. Up until the last minute, Anna Paquin’s role involved a big set-piece which was sadly cut from the theatrical release. Glimpsed at in the official trailer, there’s a brief shot of Rogue with Bobby and the older Magneto. Writer Simon Kinberg spoke of the decision to remove the subplot (mainly as it detracted from the pace), but also the reasons why it existed in the first place: To give the two older versions of Xavier and Erik a mission to embark on other than sitting around watching Wolvie skewer Kitty.

Despite its removal, Rogue’s scene leaves a residue across the rest of the movie. In the sequence, she’s trapped in a Sentinel prison until Magneto, Xavier and Bobby break her out. Why was she being held captive? For her powers.

Allow us to explain.

The opening action sequence launches into a gigantic battle between the impenetrable Sentinels and the last throng of X-Men committed to fighting them. From what’s inferred later on, these machines are based around the DNA of Mystique, a shape-shifting mutant. While this would permit them to morph into anyone they choose, it doesn’t explain how they’re able to absorb the powers of mutants.

During the battle between Iceman (Shawn Ashmore) and Sunspot (Adam Canto), the Sentinels are shown displaying the powers of mutants they’ve previously fought; Emma Frost’s (X-Men: First Class) sparkly diamond form and Lady Deathstrike’s (X2) claws to name but two, all because of their experiments on Rogue.