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10 Burning Questions We Have After Watching Avengers: Infinity War

Don't get us wrong, Avengers: Infinity War is a great film, but it certainly left us with a lot of questions and these are 10 of the biggest.

Is The Infinity Gauntlet Kaput?

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At the climax of Infinity War, Thanos finally achieves his life goal when he gets to snap his fingers while wearing the Infinity Gauntlet… thereby wiping out half of all life in the universe. This apparently takes a gargantuan amount of power, however, even for the Gauntlet, and the glove is seen burned out after Thanos does the deed.

This suggests that the Gauntlet – and perhaps the Stones themselves, by extension – are totally useless. Of course, this causes a pretty major problem for the Avengers. If the Gauntlet was still operational, then they would just have to get the glove off Thanos and reverse his action. If it’s as broken as it appears to be, though, they now have no way to bring back all the lives that the villain took.

We imagine the Stones are still just as powerful as ever and it was only the Nidavellir-made Gauntlet that couldn’t withstand what had happened. That means that if the Avengers can find another way to harness the Stones, then they can perhaps make the universe whole again. Will they follow on from the Guardians of the Galaxy and hold the Stones as a team? We’ll have to wait and see.