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10 Things We Want To See In The Power Rangers Sequels

The Power Rangers reboot is now here and despite a lukewarm response from critics, it's being met with a lot of love from fans and doing some pretty decent box office business to boot. While nothing official has been announced just yet, this will likely be enough for Saban and Lionsgate to speed ahead with their ambitious plan to make five more movies.

8) The Return Of Rita Repulsa

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Speaking of Rita, the movie made a lot of drastic changes to the villainess to distinguish her from her Mighty Morphin counterpart. Even if you miss the crazy hair and fashion sense of the original version, you have to admit that the idea to make her a former Ranger turned bad was a great move. Plus, Elizabeth Banks’ deliberately hammy performance ensured that she retained the character’s core campy appeal. After all, you can’t do a gritty reboot of a character called Rita Repulsa.

At the end of Power Rangers, Rita is seen floating through space but, crucially, still alive. It seems certain, then, that the character will return to plague the Rangers in the sequel. This is only right, as the original was an incredibly long-lasting villain on TV. She appeared from Mighty Morphin all the way until Power Rangers In Space and turned up in both previous movies, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie and Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie. 

To get the best out of the character when she returns though, the sequel needs to pair her up with her frequent partner from the original show…